Pray for Healing, Restoration & Renewal

This past year has been difficult for everyone in light of the global pandemic. Pray for those who need God’s comfort, strength, encouragement and wisdom. 

  1. THOSE SUFFERING LOSS:  Pray for those who have lost loved ones, those who lost their livelihood and income, all who have had difficulty with isolation, loneliness and despair or other smaller but significant losses brought on by the pandemic; ask for comfort and hope amid their grief.  
  2. THOSE WHO ARE SICK:  Pray that all affected by this disease have access to the care, treatment and support that they need. Pray for peace, comfort and perseverance amid the suffering. Pray that they would seek their strength in Jesus and that they would be healed. 
  3. FRONT LINE WORKERS:  Pray for strength, both physical and mental, for those who care for the well-being of others. Pray for stamina during the long and intense work hours. Pray for protection over them and their families as they continue to serve others faithfully and selflessly.
  4. LOCAL AND NATIONAL LEADERS:  Pray for our officials to seek help from those that have the greatest understanding of the virus and can provide the best guidance for the necessary protocols to stop the spread of the virus. 
  5. UNITY:  We are more divided than ever before. Ask the Lord to heal our land through peace, patience, and humility. Plead with the Lord to restore a sense of national unity.
  6. ERADICATION OF THE VIRUS:  Pray for wisdom and perserverance for those responsible for creating and developing a cure to stop the spread of the virus. Pray that the scientists and pharmacology companies are able to create and distribute a vaccine to stop the spread of this virus. 
  7. RENEWAL: Pray for renewal in our families, churches, communities and countries that have experienced conflict and division. Pray that God will bring healing and reconciliation through the Holy Spirit.
  8. PRAISE:  Praise God for His unfailing love! How have you sensed God loving and caring for you and your loved ones? Give thanks for the promise that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28, NIV).