Prayer of Protection

Begin your prayer time by Praying a Prayer of Protection over you and your loved ones. (Michael Chang)

Father God, You are the Creator of heaven and earth, The Almighty, All-Knowing, Ever-Present and Ever-Loving God. I ask You to surround me with the light of Christ, the armour of God. Separate my spirit from anything that is not from You or for You. Pull my spirit together, as close to my body as it needs to be. Put a strong, spiritual and emotional boundary or barrier around me. Banish any other darkness from around me. Surround me with Your light. Grant me Your peace, presence, power, and love. Banish any darkness from my home and property. Cleanse them from any and all evil. Bless our home and property. Fill them with Your light, peace and presence, In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

Father in Heaven, I ask You to break any dark power or force that is assigned or attached to my life. Lord Jesus, stand in any areas of vulnerability or weakness and fill those places with Your love and power. Cancel the effects of any and all negative words, thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions, and behaviours. Annul any prayers, blessings or curses for me and my family that are not Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of His shed blood on the cross, I command the accusations and judgment of the enemy to be broken now. And in Jesus’ name I command any curses received by me and my family to be broken now. They shall not prosper as I annul them in Jesus’ mighty name. 

I confess and proclaim a blessing to all that I am, hope to be and put my hand to do for the glory of God. I receive His blessings and promises for my life, physical health, emotional health, spiritual life, home, finances, ministry, and family. In Jesus’ name.

My refuge and my fortress,

  my God, in whom I trust.

Psalm 91:2